About Co-Scholastic

In the brand ‘Co-Scholastic’, ‘Co’ refers to the areas which complements an entire teaching-learning process. ‘Co-Scholastic’ aims to facilitate HOLISTIC learning by fostering both; COGNITIVE and NON-COGNITIVE skills among students.
Cognitive development is the construction of thought processes, which includes memorizing, problem solving techniques, and decision-making capabilities, from childhood to adulthood. Non-cognitive skills; however are about personal characteristics, such as - efficiency, credibility, perseverance, self-esteem, and optimism.

The team at co-scholastic ensures that a child moves out of books to see the real world and are skilled to face the world confidently. Our team conducts an exquisite research on rapidly changing knowledge landscape, to design the program(s). The programs begin from ECCE (Early Childhood Care and Education), uptill HIGHER Education, and are HOLISTIC, INTEGRATED, ENJOYABLE AND ENGAGING.


Need for Co-Scholastic

Co-Scholastic programs supports education transformation from rote learnings to: -
  • 1. Conceptual & Experiential Learning
  • 2. Multidisciplinary Approach
  • 3. Life Skills & Vocational Education
  • 4. Creativity and Critical Thinking
  • 5. Personality Development with Indian Ethos and Global Outlook
  • 6. Cross-curricular linkages
  • 7. Art Integration

The brand belongs to Mr. Arjit Walia with a lineage for delivering experiential learning programs, to more than 50 premier schools of Delhi-NCR and other states like Rajasthan, Punjab, UP, Chandigarh, Mumbai, etc through his associate organizations. They are instrumental in creating these programs at both national and international destinations, for the last 30 yrs. They are associated with various International and National NGOs to manage their educational programs.

The brand is mapped to an NGO – ‘Co-Scholastic Foundation’ to ensure that the learning reaches to every child and youth of the country.


Our Mission

To curate programs that create a unique and exciting learning experience for students which make them mentally strong, emotionally balanced, socially adaptive, creatively engaged, culturally aware, linguistically strong, effective communicator, physically strong, sensitive to nature, open minded, resilient, and have a global perspective.

Our Vision

With changing times, skills required by an individual are also evolving, co-scholastic as a brand have the vision to create a system that allows auto updation of skills needed by an individual to keep him relevant as a citizen of the global village.


Skill Learnings

  • 1. Life Skills & Values

    a) Socio-Emotional Skills

    b) Moral Values

  • 2. Career Skills & Knowledge

  • 3. National Ethos and Principals

  • 4. Literary, Creative and Aesthetic Skills

  • 5. Holistic Health

  • 6. Global Awareness Skill

  • 7. Attitude Towards Ecosystem

Focus Activities


Youth Industry Interaction Program
Cinema For Youth
Speak For India Program
Self-Aware Youth
Cultural Heritage Awareness Programs
Global Youth
Modules For United Nations
Youth Engaging Sports
Co-Scholastic Clubs




Step 1

Identification of age-wise skill needs

Step 2

Defining set of programs for different skills

Step 3

Encouraging student to join it.

Step 4

Make learning experience fun and meaningful

Step 5

Impart skills to student

Step 6

Assess the skills and submit the report

Program Partners

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